College for me was a haven for learning. When I finished high school with flying colors and obtained admission to do a major in computer science at one of the top-ranked colleges, I was thrilled to bits. I thought to myself that now I can learn more and achieve even greater glory to myself by focusing and studying in college.
Most of the professors were really good and made the class very interactive and the learning process was fun and yet fulfilling. The days were very, very hectic and there was hardly any free time for partying and socializing. There were deadlines for umpteen writing assignments and essays and each of them took up so much of effort and time that by the end of the semester I was feeling overwhelmed with excessive work. Like many other students, I was stressed out and didn’t know what to do about it. I was simply waiting to hand over my term paper and go back home and take a well-deserved break.
However, there was this roommate of mine who never seemed to fret or worry about completing assignments and papers. When I asked him how come he is not working on any of papers, he just smiled and walked away. I felt he was behaving foolishly and he is going to have a tough time completing his papers especially the 20-page term paper due at the end of the term.
As the semester ended and the due date for the term paper approached near, I was going crazy working hard to prepare one that met the high expectations of the college. I had started preparing for it from the second month of the semester and it took me about an hour of work every day for nearly 5 months. I finally completed it one day before the deadline and submitted it for grading assessment.
Even on that day, my roommate hadn’t even started his paper and I was flabbergasted. When is he going to start and complete it? Or is his intention not to clear this semester? I asked him again and asked me to simply chill and relax and things are being taken care of. The next day (the last day for submission), he handed over a 20-page paper just like that all perfectly and neatly compiled and completed.
I looked at the paper stunned and then he told me about this writing service provider (a company called Jittery Monks) he used to get the customized paper done for him. I was shocked. Here I was working on this for nearly 5 months and this man got the 20-page paper overnight through someone else. Isn’t this cheating? Isn’t it unfair? I was stricken for a long time after this incident.
I spoke to other friends and found out this was rampant in college. Everybody was using the services of a professional writing agency to get at least a couple of papers completed. Then I consoled myself. I remembered my intention of coming to college. It was for learning. Yes, I was spending far more time and energy to do my own work than the students who were getting papers done by professionals.
But I was learning far, far more than they were. So, I felt it as it is and continued doing what I was doing.